A work environment that is safe, regardless of industry, is invaluable. Workers must be able to trust the conditions in which they perform work, knowing that their health and well-being are being observed. One aspect still often overlooked, but essential to ensuring a safe work environment, is commissioning.
Commissioning and safety
Commissioning is a crucial step prior to the full operational phase of a project. The link between commissioning and a safe working environment is essential for worker health and safety. One of the most important aspects of commissioning is identifying and resolving potential safety hazards before a facility becomes operational. This includes testing fire safety systems, electrical systems, mechanical equipment and other critical systems. This ensures that they comply with applicable regulations and standards. The ultimate goal is that when someone enters the building, they can get to their (work) area without any hindrance. This should feel natural. You shouldn’t have to look around three times to see if the coast is clear.
A safe process
In addition, commissioning itself must be done safely. Commissioners must behave safely and follow the rules. It is also important that they ensure that the surrounding area experiences no, or at least as little, inconvenience as possible. For example, consider the passengers at Schiphol Airport. This requires cordoning off the workplace, and ensuring that everything in the work environment is done safely.
Test Environment
Detailed testing and inspections of a construction project and its associated equipment and systems are essential to ensure a safe working environment. This process ensures that everything functions correctly according to specifications and design standards. Thorough testing identifies potential hazards and defects before the building is occupied. In this way, accidents and emergencies can be prevented, directly contributing to a safer work environment.
Equally safe everywhere
An office building should be as safe as an airplane. When you board an airplane, you expect to find a safe environment where all the necessary tests have been performed. If this is not the case, accidents can happen. Although people do not think about this as much when they enter an office, safety is no less important.
The staff
D-TACS staff ensure that personnel are well informed and familiar with new systems and procedures being put into use. This not only helps ensure a smooth transition to the operational phase, but also improves awareness of potential hazards and proper safety precautions. Well-trained employees are better able to recognize potential hazards and act appropriately, increasing the overall safety of the work environment. An example is a school: if CO2 levels in a classroom (or throughout the school) are too high, children can become drowsy and lose concentration. This also applies to office buildings.
Recognizing bottlenecks
Commissioning also focuses on identifying and addressing operational bottlenecks. By preventing accidents and failures, downtime is reduced and production losses are minimized, improving overall business performance. This process ensures that all potential risks and issues are addressed before plants are fully operational. Reducing these operational bottlenecks reduces the risk of failures and accidents, which in turn promotes safety.
Safety first
Do you like to guarantee a safe working environment during the construction process, or afterwards? Then commissioning is key. Contact us here for more information!